The 7 Cs of Buying a Diamond You Need To Know About
When you ask an expert about buying a diamond ring, they'll often tell you how important "The Four Cs" are. But did you know there are seven Cs to think about when buying diamond jewellery? The first four Cs help you determine the quality of a diamond anywhere in the world. But there are another three that you need to consider to get the diamond of your dreams.
The four Cs
People often think diamond cut and diamond shape are the same thing, but they're not. Diamond shape simply describes the shape of the diamond, such as pear, marquise, or princess.
Diamond cut tells you how well the diamond has been cut and polished from the original rough stone. The better the diamond cut, the more the light shines through and the more it sparkles. Diamond cuts come in the following categories:
- Excellent/Ideal cut
- Very good cut
- Good cut
- Fair cut
- Poor cut
While you can get pink, blue, and red diamonds, diamond colour typically refers to how transparent a diamond is. Because nitrogen is naturally found in diamonds, some can have a slight yellow tint to them. A diamond that's pale yellow isn't as valuable as one that's completely colourless.
Diamond colour is graded on a scale of D to Z. D diamonds are the most transparent and the most valuable, while Z diamonds are the least transparent and the least valuable. To the naked eye, it's almost impossible to tell the difference between diamonds graded D-H.
Diamond clarity is decided by the intensity and the number of imperfections (also known as inclusions) the diamond has. Inclusions are totally natural and are what make each diamond unique. But the fewer inclusions present, the more valuable a diamond is.
This is how diamond clarity is categorised:
- Flawless: FL - IF
- Very, very slightly included: VVS1 - VVS2
- Very slightly included: VS1 - VS2
- Slightly included: SI1- SI2
- Included: I1 - I3
A lot of people think diamond carat means the size of the diamond, but this isn't true. Carat actually refers to the weight of the diamond. Diamonds that weigh the same can be completely different sizes, depending on their shape and cut.
One diamond carat is 0.2g (200mg). Sometimes carats are also referred to as points, in which 1 point is 0.01 carats. In this example, a 0.50 carat diamond would be called a "50 pointer".
The extra 3 Cs
After taking into account the four Cs, the next thing you need to make sure is that your diamond has a certificate from an independently-certified lab. This simple piece of paper is proof that the diamond has been graded by a professional and unbiased team.
At Lorel Diamonds, all diamonds above 0.50ct come with a certificate that confirms they've been examined by an independent lab. If you choose the GIA option, an independent certificate will be issued with any diamond that's over 0.30ct.
Today many people want to know exactly where their diamond came from so they can be sure it's not linked to conflict diamonds. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme makes it easy to determine which diamonds have been purchased legitimately and ethically.
We source our diamonds exclusively from places that adhere to the Kimberley Process rules. This means we can be certain that none of the diamonds we pass onto you is a blood or conflict diamond.
The final thing you need to think about when buying a diamond is how much you want to spend. There are many different ways you can get a more glamorous and dazzling ring without going over budget. At the same time, there are a number of areas you can scale back on without spoiling the overall look.
To help make things more affordable for you, we regularly offer discount codes, as well as 0% finance.
Smart shopping
Now you know all about the 7Cs of buying a diamond, it's time to go shopping! With this expert knowledge, you should feel confident enough to take the plunge and buy the diamond of your (or your partner's) dreams. If you've got any more questions, please get in touch.
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